How to Promote Your Website: 13 Steps to Glory

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Task time:
1-2 weeks

So, you’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to create your own website, congrats! But the hard work doesn’t stop there, of course – no matter how you built your site, once your website is up and running, you need to think about how to promote it and grow your online presence.

If you’re running a local business site or an ecommerce store, you’ll want to reach as many potential customers as possible. If you’re running a blog, you’ll want to attract the maximum number of dedicated readers. And if you’re curating a personal portfolio, you’ll want every potential client to be able to access your work.

So, what’s the secret to great website promotion? We have 13 insider tips which we’ve broken down below. Let’s dive in!

1. Start Blogging

Most website builders will allow you to add a blog page to your site at the click of a button, which you can update regularly with posts and photos.

A blog is an excellent tool for website promotion. It adds a human interest element to your brand, and shows that your site is constantly being refreshed with new information.

What would a person who visits your site want to read about? This is where keyword research comes into play. You can find out with free online tools, such as Google Trends and Answer the Public, which show you the search volume of different keywords over time. 

how to promote your website with google trends
Google Trends shows you which topics users are searching for

You can use this information to decide which keywords to model your blog posts after!

For example, if you sell makeup online, then you could blog about the latest beauty trends. In that case, you’d want to use keywords like “popular makeup” or “new makeup.” Don’t forget to promote your blog on social media too, to make the most of current trends!

Want to read more?

To do list:

  • Use Google Trends to understand which topics you should write about
  • Start writing blogs regularly

2. Create Videos

This goes hand-in-hand with blog posting as a way to personify your website promotion efforts. As long as your video contains a link to your new website, you can post your videos on forums, attach them to emails, and post them on social media.

To make an explanatory video about your business or niche, you can use free tools like  Lumen5. Or, you can create a more unique video using a smart phone with an awesome camera, a microphone, natural lighting, and your own friends or colleagues as actors.

Below is a snapshot from one of our videos discussing Wix from our YouTube channel. We love talking about website builders, so why don’t you record yourself discussing your much-loved niche and brand new website? It would make excellent content for posting on social media or Reddit (more on that later).

create a video to promote your website
We love making videos about website builders to help promote our website

Where To Upload Your Video

If you’re worried about videos slowing down your site speed, there’s an easy fix for that. You can upload the videos to platforms like YouTube or Wistia, and then embed them on your site.

By uploading to a third party and embedding, rather than uploading directly to your site, the “weight” of the videos falls on the third party instead.

These videos can sit on your “About Us” page, your landing page, or anywhere else on your site! Showing pictures and videos of yourself and your team is the best way to build a connection with your audience. Just don’t forget to compress your images using kraken before uploading!

team photo
Check out this picture of the WBE team – we’ve put it on our landing page to help introduce ourselves to readers like you!

To do list:

  • Sign up to Lumen5 and create a simple video
  • Alternatively, use your smartphone and a mic to create your own personalized video
  • Upload your videos to YouTube

3. Invest in Paid Marketing

You can’t always rely purely on organic marketing to promote your website – sometimes your efforts will need a cash injection.

With paid marketing, you can promote your web pages by using platforms like Google Ads or Facebook for Business to target users on search engines and social media. Paid advertising takes a few forms, which include:

  • PPC (pay-per-click) – you pay the platform (typically Google or a social media platform) for each time a user clicks on your link
  • CPM (cost-per-mille) – you pay for every 1,000 views your video gains

We’ll walk you through how to kick start and monitor your first paid marketing campaign.

Step 1: Set a Target

Setting a clear goal will help you assess the success of your marketing efforts, and will ultimately help you stay on track.

Let’s say you want to gain 1,000 subscribers within a month for your movie streaming service, and you have $2,000 to spend on paid marketing. That means you’re aiming to spend $2 per email sign-up.

The average CPC (cost-per-click) on Google Ads is $2.69, i.e. the amount you’ll need to pay Google each time a user clicks your promoted link.

So, as long as your website visitors sign up every time they click your promoted links and visit your website (better make sure your checkout page is persuasive!), then you stand a good chance of reaching your target of 1,000 subscribers with a $2,000 budget.

If you’re selling a one-off product rather than a subscription, then you need to calculate the average cost per customer, and make sure it fits within your budget. Let’s say you spent $100 last year on marketing, and acquired 100 customers in the same timeframe – your customer acquisition cost would be $1.

Step 2: Target Your Audience

Also known as demographic targeting, this tactic ensures your website is promoted to the right user at the right time.

To advertise on Google, you’ll need to use Google Ads to target your audience by selecting user characteristics such as gender, age, location, income band, and more. For paid advertising on Facebook, you’ll need to use the ‘Audience Insights’ option, which is free to use.

google ads demographic targeting
You can use Google Ads to ensure your website is promoted to exactly the right demographic

With Google Ads, once you’ve logged in (it’s free), all you have to do to set your demographic, like the image above, is press these buttons:

  1. Search Campaign
  2. Audiences
  3. Demographics
  4. Edit

Et voila! You can now set your target audience, and have your content reach the perfect potential customers.

Step 3: Choose Platforms

To reach the greatest number of valuable customers, you’ll want to target different users on a variety of platforms.

For instance, Instagram and YouTube are great for video ads, while Twitter and Facebook are best suited to sponsored posts, where you pay the platform to promote your advert on user’s timelines.

For a quick overview of your options, the most common types of paid marketing ads include:

  • Sponsored posts – pay to have your content appear in users’ feeds or timelines, even if they don’t follow your account
  • Mobile ads – adverts that are designed to fit on mobile screens
  • Video ads – advertising through a video format
  • Display ads – typically seen as banner ads on websites, apps, or videos
  • Promoted listings – paying to have your web pages appear higher on the SERPs
Platform Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest Google YouTube
Best for Sponsored posts

Mobile ads
Sponsored posts

Mobile ads

Video ads
Sponsored posts Sponsored posts Promoted listings

Display ads

Mobile ads
Video ads

Display ads

Step 4: Experiment and Optimize

The beauty of paid advertising is that the fun never stops! You can always edit and optimize your campaigns to keep those profit margins looking happy. Using Facebook’s Audience Insights or Google Ads, you can refine your ads to reach new audiences if you feel you’re not getting the results you want.

facebook audience insight how to promote your website
Use Facebook's Audience Insight feature to see where your ads are being targeted

To do list:

  • Calculate your marketing budget
  • Sign up to tools like Google Ads and Facebook for Business
  • Create display ads to promote your site on search engines and social media

4. Pitch for Guest Blogs

Guest blogging means authoring posts for other websites. Doing so gets you exposure to new audiences, but it’s also a massive SEO benefit because it generates backlinks from the guest site back to your site.

Backlinks are great for SEO because they indicate to search engines that other websites view yours as an authority on relevant topics. 

How To Promote Your Website With Guest Blogging

To get started with guest blogging, you need to send out pitches to relevant, quality websites. 

You’ll want to search for websites that you would read yourself, and then pitch to sites that are:

  • Within your niche
  • Have a similar readership to your own
  • Deemed trustworthy

How To Write a Guest Blog Pitch

Once you’ve chosen a site that you’d like to write for, you’ll want to pitch the editor via email or social media. 

Before you begin writing your pitch, it’s best to research the website and its editors, and read as much of the website’s content as you can, to show that you understand the writing style they’ll be looking for.

Then, you’ll want to brainstorm around three topic ideas to send to the editor. Each topic idea should be presented with a title, and a summary blurb of about 100-200 words.

You’ll want to give editors more than one option to choose from! Use high-volume keywords and gaps in the site’s existing content to inform your decisions. Once you have three top-notch headlines and summaries, you’re ready to pitch!

To do list:

  • Search for other reputable websites that fall within your niche
  • Research the tone of voice for each website
  • Write up to 200 words pitching your idea, explaining how it would benefit their site

5. Advertise on Social Media

By building up a following on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can raise awareness of your site among the billions of people using those platforms.

But it can be overwhelming to try to gain visibility on platforms with so many other users doing the same. The best way to promote your website on social media is by finding and following other pages within your niche.

If you’re running a website showcasing World War II photography, then follow artists or collectors you’re a fan of, or users who are involved with similar projects to your own. 

use social media to market your website
Simply searching your niche will help you connect with similar website owners

Once you’ve followed these pages, make sure you interact with their posts – send an encouraging comment, repost what you like, and ask questions.

This is a great way to gain exposure to other artists’ followers, and the odds are high that they’ll be interested in what you have to offer. The same goes for a website in any other niche!

Once you’ve started growing an audience, social media can also help you keep that audience engaged. Respond to comments and messages, and ask questions or run polls on social platforms to make sure your viewers know that they have a say.

To do list:

6. Post on Reddit

No journey of website promotion is complete without a trip to Reddit. A fountain of knowledge, memes, and conversation, Reddit gains over 21 billion screen views each month.

To post successfully on Reddit – that is, to get users to click your links and check out your new site – you’ll need to find out where users are talking about your niche, and gently promote your website without sounding too pushy.

To find out where users are talking about your niche area on Reddit, use the site search function on Google, which will take you to a discussion known as a ‘subreddit’. Simply type this into the Google bar: <your niche> -inurl:”comments”

Once you’ve found the holy ground that is Reddit comments, you should start integrating and interacting with the users to build trust. Let’s say your new website sells new and old soccer jerseys – you would type in the following text in the image below, and click the search results:

how to promote website on reddit

React to their posts, study the type of content they’re posting so you know how to promote your website successfully (e.g. are they posting memes, TikToks, or YouTube clips?), and add valuable insights that will demonstrate your knowledge of your niche topic.

When you’ve established yourself as a reputable Redditor, you can start to subtly advertise your website. There’s nothing worse than shameless plugging, so you should only introduce your new website when it could genuinely help or interest the Reddit community.

To do list:

  • Site search Reddit to find users talking about your niche
  • Gently promote your website by demonstrating the value of your website
  • Add insights to help Reddit users

7. Update Your Email Signature

Considering 2023 had 4.3 billion email users, it goes without saying you should be using email to promote your website. By simply personalizing your signature with links to your website, sending emails to your mailing list represents a quick and easy way to get your new website out there.

You should also include your business logo, and links to the social accounts that you created (remember Step 6?). Editing your signature can be done easily through your chosen email provider, making it one of the easiest methods of online promotion.

To customize your signature on Gmail, start composing a new email, then click ‘Insert Signature’ at the bottom. 

market your website with a new email signature

To do list:

  • Update your email signature to promote your website
  • Include links to your social accounts

8.Use Email Marketing

If you want to know how to promote your website quickly, easily, and affordably, then get your email accounts at the ready. Email marketing is one of the most lucrative marketing methods, returning $42 for every $1 you spend on average.

To create your emails, you can use tools like Wix Ascend to build and send email campaigns in one place.

wix ascend to promote your website
Wix Ascend makes it easy to promote your new website through email campaigns
Top tip: To capture users’ emails, you can ask them to exchange their details when entering a contest or doing a quiz. Also, you should have emails already stored on your database if your business uses data forms for signing up to services or newsletters.

Create Killer Subject Lines

How do you get recipients to open your email and read about your new website? You need to nail your subject lines – and we’ve got some useful subject line tactics to help you do just that:

  • Personalization – personalized subject lines generate 50% higher open rates.
  • FOMO (fear of missing out) – tell users they’ll soon miss out on your discount, which can only be found on your new website.
  • Intrigue – tap into users’ curiosity by asking strange questions, or by making bizarre (yet professional) promises
  • Humor – website promotion is always more fun with puns
  • Pain points – explain how your new website can help your users

Research has shown that the five most effective subject line keywords (words that increase the open rates the most) are:

  1. Upgrade
  2. Just
  3. Content
  4. Go
  5. Wonderful

So, when writing email content about your wonderful website that’s just had an upgrade, you should try the above tactics and keywords we’ve included. Go!

To do list:

9. Supercharge Your SEO

With so many tactics on offer, learning how to promote your website can be overwhelming at times. However, we’d recommend starting with search engine optimization (SEO). It covers all of the changes you can make to your website so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The higher your website sits in Google’s rankings, the more traffic it will get – the first five organic results (i.e. non adverts) alone account for 67.60% of all the clicks in a Google search!

You can outsource to SEO specialists to boost your rankings, but we have some useful SEO tips that you can implement on your own, for free! There are over 200 factors that can affect the ranking of your website, but we’re going to cover the easiest and most effective ones:

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will make your site more attractive to search engines. You can do this by adding image alt tags, which are descriptions that clearly tell search engine crawlers exactly what each image on your site depicts.

You can also compress your images before you upload them, which reduces the file size, and makes it easier for your pages to load quickly. We recommend using the free tool, kraken.

kraken image compress
Kraken makes it as simple as possible to compress your images

Customize Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

Page titles and meta descriptions are what form the “snippet” you see in Google search results:

serp example
“A” is the page title, and “B” is the description

You want your titles and descriptions to be short and relevant – they’re the first impression many people will get of your page, and you’ll want them to draw in potential visitors! For example, that “…” you see in the example title should be avoided, if possible. The shorter and sweeter your title, the better!

You should also aim to include a keyword in your page titles (we’ll show you how to do this soon!). A keyword is the word or phrase people search on Google that you want your page to rank for. 

For example, if you want your page to rank for the keyword “workout tips,” then you’ll want to include that phrase in your page title, e.g. “Our Top 5 Workout Tips.”

Using targeted keywords is one of the most effective ways to promote your website, hugely affecting your website’s rankings, which in turn will have a huge effect on traffic.

Keen to delve deeper into SEO, and how you can boost your website’s efforts to rank well?

Emma Kowalski, a marketing planner for the website Xtreme Events, explains how SEO has increased her company’s audience over time:

“Through pushing more efforts into SEO over the past year, we have seen our traffic increase by 103% year-on-year! This has largely been around an in-depth content strategy, sorting out cannibalization issues on the site, and expanding into new areas.”

xtreme events homepage
Xtreme Events is a company with a wide audience. Its website promotes a variety of events, from children’s birthday parties to corporate team building exercises.

Jargon Buster – Cannibalization

In SEO, cannibalization happens when multiple pages on your site are ranking for the same keywords. When this happens, your pages are basically competing against each other, which is not productive! To stop this from happening, you can run a Ctrl+F search through the competing page for the target keyword, and delete what you find.

Simplify URLs

Short and sweet URLs are superb for SEO.  It makes it easier for search engines and users to understand what the page is about. We also recommend separating the words of your URL with hyphens to create a simpler reading experience.

Keyword research is a great SEO tool when you’re just figuring out how to advertise your website. We’ll cover it in the next section, because it can help you decide which topics to cover on your blog.

To do list:

  • Optimize your images using kraken
  • Use keywords in your metadata
  • Simplify your URLs to improve the user journey

10. Choose the Right Web Host

To make sure your website can handle all of the traffic that your website promotion is going to generate, you have to choose a strong web hosting provider.

The right web host will be able to supply your site with enough resources to accommodate large numbers of visitors at one time, which will prove invaluable when you start to promote your website.

Good to know: If you’re using a website builder to create your site, then web hosting will be sorted for you! The appeal of website builders is that they take care of all the technical, behind-the-scenes work, but the trade-off is that you won’t have as much scalability or control as you get when you take care of hosting yourself.

How Do I Choose the Right Web Host?

The major players of web hosting – which we’ve ranked in our guide to the top 5 web hosting providers – are determined by factors like server uptime, storage, bandwidth, and value for money. Depending on which factor you think is most suitable, we recommend picking one of these providers:

  • HostGator – best for server uptime
  • Bluehost – best for storage and bandwidth
  • A2 Hosting – best value for money

Where can I read more about each hosting provider?

Which Hosting Provider Is Right for My Industry and Niche?

When it comes to picking the right provider for the industry you operate in, it’s a case of “different hosts for different folks.” Dive into our profession-specific guides below to learn more:

Not sure which provider will best set your site up for success? Our comprehensive web hosting comparison chart will give you more information on the top providers!

hostgator shared pricing page
HostGator offers brilliant server uptime at affordable prices
To do list:
  • Choose a host that suits the needs of your website
  • We recommend Bluehost, and A2 Hosting

11. Leverage Online Advertising Networks

Online advertising networks – Google AdSense and Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) are two notable examples – allow you to display ads on various websites and connect with your target audience at the right time, in the right place.

Signing up to these platforms – which boast extensive networks of partner websites where your ads can be displayed – enables you to take advantage of their reach and accessibility to connect with potential customers.

Here are our top tips for utilizing these online advertising networks to best effect:

Craft Compelling Display Ads

Create eye-catching display ads that grab attention and communicate your message concisely. Prioritize visually appealing graphics and engaging copy, as well as a clear call to action (CTA) to entice users to click through to your website.

Set a Budget – and Target Wisely!

Unlike SEO, paid ads cost money – so before you begin, be sure to determine your advertising budget based on your goals and financial capacity. Online advertising networks allow you to set daily or campaign-based spending limits, so it’s easy to set your spending.

As for targeting, these platforms have advanced options to help your ads land with the right audience – so take into account factors like location, demographics, interests, and keywords to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Monitor and Optimize Ongoing

By regularly monitoring the performance of your ads and tracking key metrics – such as click-through rate (CTR), conversions, and cost-per-click (CPC), you can identify which ads and targeting strategies are most effective.

Then? You can harness this information to optimize your campaigns, allocate resources wisely, and refine your messages – and achieve, over time, increasingly impressive results.

Paid advertising screenshot example Google
Utilizing online advertising networks allows you to promote your website by placing it at the top of search engine results pages.

12. Collaborate with Other Websites

Building partnerships and collaborations with other websites in your niche is another powerful way to promote your website.

By working together and in harmony, you can tap into each other’s audiences, expand your collective reach, and create a mutually beneficial relationship.

Here’s how to leverage collaborations to boost your website’s visibility:

Seek Complementary Partnerships

Identify websites that complement your offerings – without being direct competitors. By this, we mean sites that share a similar target audience, but offer different products or services.

Cross-Promote Content and Offerings

Share each other’s content, blog posts, or promotional materials on your respective websites. This cross-pollination exposes your website to a new audience while providing valuable content to your partner’s followers, too. It’s a win-win situation!

Collaborate on Webinars, Podcasts, or Interviews

Host joint webinars, podcasts, or interviews featuring experts from both websites. Through combining your expertise, you can showcase your authority, attract new visitors, and foster meaningful connections with each other’s followers.

Leverage Each Other’s Audiences

Encourage your partner to promote your website to their audience, and do the same for them. This exchange of exposure helps you not only tap into a whole new pool of potential customers – but one that’s already interested in similar content or products.

Bad People x The Serpent screenshot
True crime podcast website Bad People teamed up with The Serpent – a show about real-life murderer Charles Sobhraj – to promote each other's content offerings.

13. Implement Local SEO Strategies

Local SEO is a crucial tool to promote your website and attract customers in the specific streets and suburbs you call home.

By optimizing your online presence for local search, you can boost your visibility and reach a targeted audience – close to home.

How’s how to implement our top local SEO strategies to boost your business online:

Optimize Your Website for Local Search Results

Include your business’s name, address, and phone number on your website’s footer or contact page – and make sure this information is consistent across all online platforms you appear on. Also, embed a Google Map with your location to make it easier for visitors to find you.

Claim Your Business on Google My Business and Local Directories

Create a Google My Business listing and claim your business on other reputable local directories, such as Yelp.

Complete your profile with accurate and up-to-date information, such as business hours, services, and images. Google My Business is particularly essential, as it appears in Google’s local search results and Google Maps.

Kekou Google My Business profile screenshot example
A Google My Business profile bolsters your website's trust signals and visibility in search engines – and provides searchers with all the most important information they need.

Use Location-Based Keywords

Incorporate location-specific keywords throughout your website content and meta tags. Think about the phrases your potential customers might use when searching for local businesses like yours.

For example, if you run a bakery in Melbourne, use keywords like “best bakery in Melbourne” or “Melbourne pastry shop” strategically in your content. (You can even zero in on a suburb or street to get really targeted!)

Encourage Customer Reviews

Positive customer reviews can have a profound impact on your local search rankings. So encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing and other review platforms – either with a follow-up email, or in-person when you deliver the service.

Be sure to respond to Google Reviews, both positive and negative, in a professional manner to show that you value customer feedback.

Not sure how to ask customers for reviews? We’ve got you covered!

The Feminist Vibe social proof screenshot
On its homepage, Shopify store The Feminist Vibe displays reviews and ratings from influencers prominently via a carousel.

How to Promote Your Website: the Wrap-Up

Hooray! You now know how to market a website. We’ve shown you 13 tactics that should bring clicks, eyes, and dollars to your new website.  Having covered a lot of ground, let’s recap the top 10 steps for excellent website promotion.

How To Advertise Your Website in 13 Steps:

  1. Start blogging
  2. Create videos
  3. Invest in paid marketing
  4. Pitch for guest blogs
  5. Advertise on social media
  6. Post on Reddit
  7. Update your email signature
  8. Use email marketing
  9. Supercharge your SEO
  10. Choose the right web host
  11. Leverage online advertising networks
  12. Collaborate with other websites
  13. Implement local SEO strategies

Some of these steps will prove more suitable for your website than others, but all of them should help take your site to the next level.

Every website promotion strategy we’ve discussed will help you spread the word about your site, but we want to know which one works best for you. Let us know in a comment – and happy promoting!

More information

Written by:
I’ve written for brands and businesses all over the world – empowering everyone from solopreneurs and micro-businesses to enterprises to some of the ecommerce industry’s best-known brands: including Yahoo!, Ecwid, and Entrepreneur. My commitment for the future is to empower my audience to make better, more effective decisions: whether that’s helping you pick the right platform to build your website with, the best hosting provider for your needs, or offering recommendations as to what – and how – to sell.


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